Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Red Ribbon Week Next Week

2016 Red Ribbon Week
YOLO.  Be Drug Free! #YouOnlyLifeOnce

Parents: We want students to enjoy celebrating drug prevention week.  It is important that all dress days are appropriate to wear to school and will not cause a distraction in the classroom.  Shorts or skirts above the knee may not be worn.

Monday, October 24: Don’t Make Yourself A Target!
-Wear a Camo Shirt!

Tuesday, October 25: Wherever You Go, Just Say No!
-Wear a Tacky Tourist Top!

Wednesday, October 26: Our School is Drug Free!
-Wear a red shirt!

Thursday, October 27: Don’t be a zero, be a super hero! Say no to drugs!
-Wear your favorite Super Hero Shirt!

Friday, October 28: I can be ANYTHING!
-Book Character Day!
-Please make sure your student has the book of what character they are!

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