Monday, October 3, 2016

Math: Identifying US Coins and their Values

We are learning to identify all the US coins, their values, and the cent symbol.

Essential Questions: 
How do I identify a penny? Its brown and is a small coin.

How do I identify a nickel? It is a silver/grey color.

How do I identify a dime? It is a silver/grey color and the smallest coin.

How do I identify a quarter? It is the biggest size coin and is a silver/grey color. 

Help your child to remember how to identify coins and their values through poetry (we are studying poetry in reading this week, too!) Read the poems together for fun.

At home, you can give your child coins and have them identify them and sort them by name. Ask them to describe what the front and back of each coin looks like. 

You can also have them count nickels by fives, dimes by tens, pennies by ones, and quarters by twenty five.

You can download this for free here: Visual Coin Chart

Help your child to understand how many pennies equal the value of one nickel, and so forth.

Video Links for Kids:

Learning Coins:

Learning Money-

Educational Resource:

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