Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Reading Packets

Dear Parents,

I am so excited to begin sending home reading packets. These packets will include sight words, a leveled book, reading strategy work, and a reading log, as well as other activities specifically made for your child. Each child will have different materials sent home in their manilla folder. This is their reading packet.

Please have your child bring this packet with everything in it to school every day.

We will use these in class, and they will be given new books to take home.

If a book is lost, you will be responsible for paying for a new book. Please help your child to take care of their materials, and keep their books safe.

I suggest that your child reads his or her book each day, or for 10-20 minutes. I also suggest that your child practices reading and writing the sight words given to them. Their words are on a list in the packet, as well as on notecards.

Thank you for all you do,
Ms. Minnerick

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