Thursday, December 8, 2016

All Aboard Our Polar Express Party

It's time to celebrate! Friday, the 16th is our Polar Express Party. Please sign up to bring something to help make our celebration memorable.
Students will have the chance to earn the opportunity to wear pajamas on the day of the party, as well as to bring a stuffed animal or pillow, to drink hot cocoa, and to eat popcorn during our movie-viewing. These rewards are based off behavior. Please remind your kiddo to follow our Life School rules so that they can celebrate fully!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Math: Spending and Saving and Coins

One thing we are learning in math is to distinguish between spending and saving money

Also, we are learning to identify dimes, nickels, quarters, and pennies, and each of their values. For example:

1.      Look at the coin. What is the value of the coin?

A.     25 cents
B.     10 cents
C.    5 cents
D.    1 cent

2.      Which equals 5¢? Mark your answer.





We are also learning how to add a collection and mixture of coins, to describe coin relationships, and to use the cent symbol. For example: 

Carson has one nickel. Eli gave him three pennies. How much money total does Carson have?

Hope gives Alissa a dime for a pencil. How much does the pencil cost?

Gramm gives Josh a sticker for a quarter. How much does the sticker cost?

Samuel was saving his money to buy a sticker. He had one nickel. In one week he had two nickels. How much money total does Samuel have?

How many pennies are the same value as one nickel?

How many pennies equal one dime?

How many nickels are the same value as one dime?

All About Saving and Spending Money

What would you like to save money for? 

Today, you will learn about spending and saving money. You’ll explore how people have jobs and take on other responsibilities to earn money.

Many people earn money by selling goods or offering services to others. 

Kids often do chores or help around the house to earn an allowance. 

Once you have some cash, it’s good to create a budget to plan how to spend and save it wisely. When you're ready to buy something, visit different stores, research prices online, find coupons, or wait until an item goes on sale. 

You can even find a cheaper version at a yard or garage sale. 

Money isn’t just about buying things you want, though. You can also donate to charity to help a person, group, or community.

Teacher Resources:

Pearson Sources: Spending and Saving, Another Look
Amazing Savings 1