Friday, November 18, 2016

Our Day of Thanksgiving


You brighten my days.
You make me laugh.
I like helping you.
I'm glad I'm your teacher.
You make life fun.

Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for you.


Third grade students read with us today! 
We're excited to learn with our buddies throughout this school year!
We've been learning to make text-to-text connections, text-to-self connections, and text-to-world connections when reading books. This helps to deepen our understanding, and it makes reading more fun! We're also learning to take notes with Post It's while reading to show our thinking.

 We dressed up as Pilgrims and Indians to enjoy our Thanksgiving feast!

Happy, Happy, Happy

Monday, November 14, 2016

Our Class Science Experiement

We are learning that helium is lighter than air.

We are asking, "How many balloons will it take to lift a bag into the air?"

Videos Connected to Air:

Teacher Resources:
Discovery Edu: A Whole Lot of Hot Air

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Math: Ten More, Ten Less

We are learning to add 10 more and 10 less to a number up to 120 without having to count. 

We use our 120 chart to help us.


First Grade Quick Chart Example: 10 more 10 Less

1 More/Less and 10 More/Less with 100 Chart Video Lesson

First Grade Math: Finding 10 More and 10 Less Means Changing the Tens Place

Using Base Ten Blocks to Visualize 10 more or 10 Less

Our Thanksgiving Feast

Our Thanksgiving Feast is Friday, November 18th at 11am. 
This day is also Birthday Friday and $1 Jean Day.

Our class is responsible for providing macaroni-and-cheese to share with First Grade.

We are also looking for volunteers to set up and serve our feast food. 

Please visit our Sign Up page to sign up for what you want to bring. We need macaroni and cheese (in disposable containers, as we are donating all leftovers to a charity) for all of first grade. 

We also need some crock pots to warm our food.

Just for our class (25 students) we need desserts, drinks, napkins, plates, serving utensils, decorations, stickers, and activities.

Please see our Sign Up  
to choose what your child will bring on Nov. 18th

Thank you!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Phonics Focus: Sh and Ch

Our phonics-focus this week is consonant digraphs. 

We are learning the "sh" and "ch" sounds (as in the images below). ("Th" and "wh" are coming up next.)

The sh sound:

The ch sound:

Videos that teach this skill:
The Ch Sound:

The Sh Sound:

Online Games that teach this skill:
 Sh on Starfall

Ch on Starfall

Download Free Activities Safely here: